
Beach, P. (2023). Research on early literacy in Reggio and Montessori classrooms: A scoping review. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy.

Minuk, A., Beach, P., & Favret, E. (2023). Evaluating online environments for elementary teachers’ literacy-oriented professional learning. Alberta Journal of Educational Research69(1), 118–140.

Beach, P., Favret, E., & Minuk, A. (2022). Teachers’ self-directed online learning strategies and experiences. Online Learning Journal , 26(4), 1-25.

Beach, P., Favret, E., Minuk, A., & Martinussen, R. (2022). Canadian teachers’ perceptions of online professional development. Journal of Educators Online.

Minuk, A., Beach, P., & Favret, E. (2022). Self-directed online learning and special education teacher professional development: A case study. International Journal on Innovations in Online Education, 6(1).

Beach, P., Minuk, A., & Favret, E. (2021). Online teacher professional development in Canada: A review of the literature. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology.

McConnel, J., & Beach, P. (2021). “I’m not the only writer in the room”: A framework for confident writing classrooms. Language and Literacy.

Beach, P., Favret, E., & Minuk, A. (2021). Exploring teachers’ cognitive processes and web-based actions during a series of self-directed online learning sessions. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education.

Henderson, G., Beach, P., & Coombs, A. (2021). Financial literacy education in Ontario: A survey of elementary teachers’ perceptions, attitudes, and practices. Canadian Journal of Education, 44(2), 308-336.

Bolden, B., & Beach, P. (2021). Integrating music and literacy: Applying music concepts to support prosody and reading fluency. General Music Today, 34(2), 5-12.

Beach, P., Henderson, G., McConnel, J. (2020). Elementary teachers’ cognitive processes and metacognitive strategies during self-directed online learning. Teachers and Teaching.

McConnel, J., & Beach, P. (2020). Co-creating confident writing classrooms: A framework for teachers. Writers Who Care.

Hagerman, M., Beach, P., Cotnam Kappel, M., & Hébert, C. (2020). Multiple Perspectives on Digital Literacies Methods in Canada. Special Issue on Teacher Education, International Journal of E-Learning and Distance Education, 35(1).

Beach, P. (2020). Planning for literacy instruction: An evaluation of online resources used by preservice teachers. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (English).

Beach, P., McConnel, J., & Mendes, B. (2020). Unpacking the code: Exploring teachers’ professional development in reading. Proceedings of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies.

Henderson, G., Beach, P., Sun, L., & McConnel, J. (2020). Does the content of financial literacy education resources vary based on who made or paid for them? Citizenship, Social and Economics Education.

Beach, P., Kirby, J., McDonald, P., & McConnel, J. (2019). Multimedia learning in teacher education: An eye tracking study. Canadian Journal of Education, 42(4), 1022-1058.

Cleovoulou, Y., & Beach, P. (2019). Teaching critical literacy in inquiry-based classrooms: Teachers’ understanding of practice and pedagogy. Teaching and Teacher Education, 83, 188-198.

Beach, P., & Bolden, B. (2019). Word painting: A creative way to enhance vocabulary. The Reading Teacher, 72(6), 750-754.

Beach, P., & McConnel, J. (2019). Eye tracking methodology for studying teacher learning: A review of the research. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 42(5), 485-501.

Beach, P., & Bolden, B. (2018). Music education meets critical literacy: A framework for guiding music listening. Music Educators Journal, 105(2), 43-50.

Beach, P., McDonald, P., McConnel, J., & Kirby, J. (2018). Investigating how teachers interact with a visual model of reading development: An eye‐tracking study. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 5(11), 21.

Beach, P., Martinussen, R., Poliszczuk, D., & Willows, D. (2018). A window into the classroom: Examining the use of virtual classrooms in teacher education. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 18(3), 578-600.

Beach, P. (2018). Examining elementary teachers’ use of online learning environments: An exploratory study. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 50(1), 34-47.

Beach, P. (2017). Self-directed online learning: A theoretical model for understanding elementary teachers’ online learning experiences. Teaching and Teacher Education, 61, 60-72.

Beach, P., & Willows, D. (2017). Understanding teachers’ cognitive processes during online professional learning: A methodological comparison. Online Learning, 21(1), 60-84.

Beach, P., & Cleovoulou, Y. (2014). An inquiry-based approach to critical literacy: Pedagogical nuances of a second grade classroom. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 60(1), 161-181.

Beach, P., & Willows, D. (2014). Investigating teachers’ exploration of a professional development website: An innovative approach to understanding the factors that motivate teachers to use Internet-based resources. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 40(3).  


Ahn, C., Schwass, C., Hamilton, E., & Beach, P. (May, 2022). Developing the foundations for media literacy in elementary classrooms. Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Virtual Meeting.

Minuk, A., Beach, P., & Favret, E. (May, 2022). What’s in a website? An evaluation of literacy-oriented websites used by practicing elementary teachers. Paper accepted to the Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Virtual Meeting.

Beach, P., Favret, E., Minuk, A., & Martinussen, R. (April, 2022). Teachers’ self-directed online learning strategies and experiences: A longitudinal study. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Diego, California.

Beach, P., McDonald, P., & Martinussen, R. (April, 2022). Examining user characteristics and online behavioral patterns: A web analytics study. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Diego, California.

Beach, P., Favret, E., Minuk, A., & Martinussen, R. (June, 2021). Canadian teachers’ perceptions of online professional development. Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Virtual Meeting.

Minuk, A., Beach, P., & Favret, E. (June 2021). Using time-sampling to analyze and understand teachers’ self-directed online learning: A case study. Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Virtual Meeting.

Favret, E., Beach, P., & Minuk, A. (June 2021). A case study of a teacher’s thought processes during self-directed online learning: The benefits and challenges of the virtual revisit think aloud. Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Virtual Meeting.

Beach, P., Minuk, A., & Favret, E. (April 2021). Exploring teachers’ thought processes and web-based actions during a series of self-directed online learning sessions. Paper presentation for the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Virtual Meeting.

Beach, P., McConnel, J., & Mendes, B. (July, 2020). Examining the transformative power of professional learning on teachers’ perceptions of reading development, disabilities, and instruction: An exploratory study. Society of Scientific Studies of Reading, Newport Beach, California. (Cancelled due to COVID-19).

Beach, P., McConnel, J., & Mendes, B. (June, 2020). Unpacking the code: Exploring teachers’ professional development in reading. Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, London, Ontario. (Cancelled due to COVID-19).

Schira Hagerman, M., Beach, P., Cotnam-Kappel, M., & Hébert, C. (June, 2020). Technologies, literacies and education: Multiple perspectives on methods. Symposium presentation, Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, London, Ontario. (Cancelled due to COVID-19).

Beach, P., McConnel, J., & Henderson, G. (April, 2020). Elementary teachers’ cognitive processes and metacognitive strategies during self-directed online learning. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, California. (Cancelled due to COVID-19).

Beach, P., Kirby, J., McDonald, P., & McConnel, J. (July, 2019). Examining how teachers study a multimedia model of reading development: Do eye movement patterns affect what teachers learn? Annual Conference of the Society of Scientific Studies of Reading, Toronto, Ontario.

Beach, P. (April, 2019). Planning for literacy instruction: An evaluation of online resources used by preservice teachers. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario.

Beach, P., McDonald, P., Kirby, & McConnel, J. (August, 2018). Investigating how teachers interact with a visual model of reading development: An eye-tracking study. Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye Tracking, Frederiksberg, Denmark.

Beach., P., & Willows, D. (July, 2018). Virtual classroom tours in literacy education coursework: Bridging the gap between coursework and field experiences. International Literacy Association Annual Conference, Austin, Texas.

Beach, P., & Mietzger, C. (May, 2018). Self-directed online learning and literacy instruction: Pre-service teachers’ self-perceptions. Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Regina Saskatchewan.

Cleovoulou, Y., & Beach, P. (May, 2018). Critical literacy in inquiry-based classrooms: Teachers’ practices and pedagogies. Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Regina, Saskatchewan.

Beach, P., & Willows, D. (April, 2018). Self-directed online learners’ use of a professional development website: The power of web analytics. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, New York, New York.

Beach, P., & Martinussen, R. (May, 2017). A window into the classroom: Examining the use of virtual classrooms in teacher education. Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Toronto, Ontario.

Beach, P. (April, 2017). Elementary teachers’ use of the internet for literacy instruction and professional learning. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

Beach, P. (April, 2016). Online decision-making and web-based actions: How does the think aloud methodology affect website engagement? American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Beach, P. (April, 2016). Self-directed online learning: A theoretical model for understanding elementary teachers’ online learning experiences. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Maya Beristain, C., Beach, P., Bryant, K., & Uppal, T., (February, 2016). Making instructional recommendations “come alive” using a powerful literacy website. National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, Louisiana.

P. Beach. (April, 2015). Understanding teachers’ cognitive processes as they use an online professional development website: A methodological comparison. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois.

Maya, C., & Beach, P. (April, 2015). Effective instruction for struggling students. Workshop presented at the 20th Anniversary for the Love of Literacy Conference, Burlington, Ontario.        

Beach, P., & Cleovoulou, Y. (May, 2014). Instructional practices of critical literacy within an inquiry-based learning environment. Canadian Society for the Study of Education, St. Catharines, Ontario.

Cleovoulou, Y., & Beach, P. (May, 2014). Teachers’ critical literacy practices in the early years classroom. Canadian Society for the Study of Education, St. Catharines, Ontario.

Beach, P. (February, 2014). Virtual classroom visits in teacher education: An innovative and motivating approach to teaching and learning. Ontario Teachers Federation/Ontario Association of Deans of Education Conference: Creating Circles of Hope in Teacher Education, Toronto, Ontario.